Orthopedic Specialty Institute specializes in all types of shoulder surgery and repair. Same Day Appointments are now available, please call us today at 954-866-9699 to book a consultation with Dr. Erol Yoldas or Dr. Martin Weaver, or click here to request an appointment online. When considering whether or not shoulder surgery is the correct option for you, it’s important to consult with an expert. Our team offers best-in-class care, as well as innovative, low down time and minimally invasive procedures based on your individual needs. If you are experiencing pain in your shoulders or shoulder, it’s essential to have a professional consult as soon as possible. Shoulder injuries can be severe and time is of the essence in order to treat a serious issue in order to avoid any permanent damage. If you are suffering from shoulder pain, it does not always mean surgery is required. There are numerous pain management options to help you find relief, should your injury be less severe. At OSI, we pride ourselves on taking conservative, effective approaches aimed at restoring the overall quality of life – whether your injury is mild, or extreme. Our combined expertise and individualized care is what sets our team apart, and we encourage you to come in and experience the OSI difference today.

”“I love coming to work. There is nothing better than helping the professional or recreational athlete, young or old, get back to the level of function that they expect. It is their gift to me.” – Dr. Erol Yoldas