Orthopedic Specialty Institute specializes in all types of ankle surgery and repair. Same Day Appointments are now available, please call us today at 954-866-9699 to book a consultation with Dr. Erol Yoldas or Dr. Martin Weaver, or click here to request an appointment online. If you’re suffering from an ankle injury, the experts at OSI can help. Our team has vast experience in nearly every type of ankle injury and can help you restore the quality of your life through innovative, low down time and effective treatments. Don’t let an ankle injury hold you back from enjoying your life to its fullest potential. Contact the caring team at OSI to learn more about how we can help get you fully back on your feet.

”“I love coming to work. There is nothing better than helping the professional or recreational athlete, young or old, get back to the level of function that they expect. It is their gift to me.” – Dr. Erol Yoldas