Alyson’s Journey from Knee Pain to Swiss Adventures

By August 8, 2024 Blog, Patient Stories

In May 2021, Alyson was rear-ended at a traffic light, leaving her with debilitating knee pain and a persistent limp. After a failed surgery by another provider, her condition only worsened. It wasn’t until she turned to Dr. Yoldas at Orthopedic Specialty Institute (OSI) that she finally found relief. Through accurate diagnosis and expert surgical intervention, Dr. Yoldas helped Alyson regain her mobility, allowing her to undertake an adventurous trip to Switzerland pain-free.

Switzerland Landscape | Courtesy of Alyson

Photo of Switzerland Landscape Taken on Alyson’s Trip | Courtesy of Alyson

A Car Accident Changes Everything

The car accident left Alyson with significant pain in her left knee, severely affecting her ability to walk. “I was left with pretty painful knee pain on the right side of my left knee,” Alyson recalled. Despite consulting multiple doctors, she couldn’t find relief. “They kept telling me there’s nothing wrong,” she said, frustrated by the lack of answers.

A Surgery That Didn’t Help

After several unsuccessful consultations, Alyson finally found a doctor who diagnosed her with a torn meniscus and performed surgery on her knee in April 2022. Unfortunately, the surgery didn’t alleviate her pain. “It wasn’t fixed. I was limping worse than I was before,” she explained. The persistent limp affected her entire body, causing hip and back pain. Despite numerous follow-ups and even a hip MRI, the root cause of her knee pain remained unaddressed.

Turning to Dr. Yoldas for Help

Frustrated and desperate for a solution, Alyson was referred to Dr. Yoldas at Orthopedic Specialty Institute (OSI) by her lawyer. This referral turned out to be a turning point. After reviewing Alyson’s MRI, Dr. Yoldas identified the cause of her pain: a piece of meniscus he likened to a hangnail. 

“If you think of a hangnail on your fingernail, it’s very minor, but it’s really painful,” Alyson said. “I had an extra piece off the side of my meniscus that was similar to a hangnail, and he went in and shaved it.”

Dr. Yoldas was confident that shaving the meniscus would solve Alyson’s problem. “If you let me, I can fix this,” he assured her.

The Surgery That Made All the Difference

On August 30, 2023, Dr. Yoldas performed surgery to shave the problematic piece of Alyson’s meniscus. The procedure was a success, and she began physical therapy just two days later. “When I got to physical therapy, I couldn’t bend my leg, I couldn’t put any pressure on it,” she shared.

The road to recovery was intense, involving ten weeks of physical therapy three times a week. Alyson’s physical therapist explained that she had been limping for two and a half years, so it was going to take time to undo all the damage that had been done. Through dedication and hard work, Alyson’s knee improved significantly. She could walk, bike ride, and engage in daily activities without pain.

A Test of Strength in Switzerland

Alyson's Group in Switzerland

Alyson’s Group in Switzerland | Courtesy of Alyson

The ultimate test of Alyson’s recovery came when she embarked on a bicycle/hiking trip to Switzerland with her fiancé and friends. “We rode 40 miles per day up and down winding hills,” Alyson said. This trip was a stark contrast to a previous bike trip in Portugal, where she had to rely on ice packs and support vans due to knee pain. “This time, I was riding up and down mountains without a problem,” she proudly stated.

Alyson also faced a personal challenge when hiking down a mountain, a task that was impossible before the surgery. “The day before the surgery, I couldn’t go downstairs without holding onto the railing,” she explained. But in Switzerland, she found herself leading the group, along with younger members, down the mountain without any support. “I was in the front of the pack with the 29-year-olds,” she marveled. The confidence in her knee’s ability to withstand such pressure was a clear sign of her complete recovery.

Reflecting on Her Journey

Map of Switzerland Hike

Map of Hiking Trail | Courtesy of Alyson

Alyson credits her recovery to the skilled hands of Dr. Yoldas and her dedicated physical therapy team. “He truly saved me,” she said, expressing gratitude for the life-changing treatment. Alyson’s story is a testament to the importance of accurate diagnosis, skilled surgical intervention, and comprehensive rehabilitation.

Sharing Her Success

Alyson’s experience has inspired her to recommend Dr. Yoldas to others, confident in his ability to address complex knee issues. “He was a great find,” she said, emphasizing the positive impact he has had on her life.

For more inspiring stories like Alyson’s or to learn about our services, visit Whether you’re facing a sports injury or seeking to regain your active lifestyle, OSI is here to help you achieve your goals.