CrossFit is a high-intensity, functional training program that’s taken over the world. The fast-paced workout structure combined with the cardio and lifting elements make for one of the most comprehensive workout styles around. And we might be biased, but the competitions are incredible to watch!
However, like any other form of physical activity, CrossFit comes with its share of risks. CrossFit injuries are not uncommon; in fact, CrossFit has almost garnered a reputation for inevitable injuries. Issues can range from minor strains and sprains to more severe injuries such as fractures and muscle tears. In this blog, we’ll discuss the most common CrossFit injuries and how to prevent them.
Lower Back Injuries
Lower back injuries are one of the most common injuries in CrossFit. They often occur due to poor form during exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and cleans. Severe lower back pain can happen whenever a CrossFitter stops prioritizing form and focuses too much on the speed of their workout.
To prevent lower back injuries, it’s essential to maintain proper form during exercises. Also, avoid ego lifting. Lift weights that are appropriate for your fitness level while maintaining form, and gradually increase the weight as your strength improves. You can also take a proactive approach by adding core exercises into your routines that can help minimize lower back injuries.
Shoulder Injuries
Shoulder injuries are another common injury in CrossFit. They can occur due to exercises such as overhead presses, muscle ups, pull ups, and snatches. To prevent shoulder injuries, warm up properly before starting your workout. Going into a WOD cold can leave you at a disadvantage. Use proper form during exercises. Exercises like muscle ups have a reputation outside of CrossFit for wonky form. Listen to your coach or trainer to nail form before trying to rep a muscle up or pull-up. You can also focus on strengthening the muscles that support the shoulder joint and add rotator cuff exercises into your warmup.
Knee Injuries
Runners often get the most flack for poor knee health, but CrossFitters aren’t exempt either. Knee injuries pop up during exercises like squats, lunges, and box jumps. Knees can also be affected during cardio elements — even during 200m or 100m dashes.
Making sure your knees are in line with your toes during weightlifting is one of the simplest ways to ensure you won’t damage your knees and surrounding tendons. Also, keep an eye on the shoes you wear. Unlike shoes designed strictly for running or weightlifting, CrossFit shoes need a good balance of both stability and durability without having too much padding. You can also incorporate exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee, like leg extensions. And, as we’ve said before, always check your form and make sure you can handle a certain weight with proper form before adding more weight to a lift.
Wrist Injuries
CrossFit success also comes down to those seemingly smaller joints, especially wrists! Wrist injuries are all-too common in CrossFit thanks to exercises such as push-ups, double-unders, handstands, and kettlebell swings.
To limit or prevent wrist injuries, ease into the intensity of workouts you’d think would be easy. You might be able to do push ups, but doing them for time can lead to sloppy form. Always keep that in mind before you ramp up speeding through a workout. You can also use wrist straps if you struggle with grip or weak wrists! Lifting straps alleviate the pressure from the wrist (and your grip strength).
Achilles Tendon Injuries
Achilles tendon injuries are common in CrossFit due to exercises such as double-unders and box jumps. To prevent Achilles tendon injuries, it is essential to warm up properly before starting your workout, gradually increase the intensity and frequency of your workouts, and use proper form during exercises.
CrossFit injuries can be common, but the good news is they don’t have to be! Train with proper form rather than feeling pressured to move through a WOD at lightning speed. Also, listen to your body and don’t push yourself beyond your limits. CrossFit can be a lifelong sport, but that’s only if you embrace the journey of gradual growth! If you experience any pain or discomfort, don’t struggle through an injury. The team at OSI can help CrossFit athletes get back to doing what they love. Request an appointment with our team here or give us a call at 954-866-9699.