Summer comes with a lot of excitement, and it’s as well “reawakening” time for many sports. Outdoor exercise lovers burst out of their cocoons to enjoy the much-needed exercise after a prolonged period of hibernation. Some are active throughout the year, and summer is the time to try a new sport. Summer comes with all kinds of opportunities for relaxation and exercise, but this is the time to be aware of your body limits. No one wishes to enjoy summer at the sidelines due to injuries. Some of the typical summer injuries include the following:
Knee injuries are on top of the list as the most summer injury during summer. Since knee joints are crucial in several summer activities like sprinting, peddling, squatting on water skis, or even sliding to home plate, your knees end up taking quite some beating during this time. A syndrome known as patellofemoral, muscle tears, and ACL tears are painful injuries and take some time before recovering fully. Sometimes knee injury may lead to bursitis, which is an inflammation or damage to your fluid-filled sacs that surround as well as cushion your knee movement. Apart from the typical pain and swelling, bursitis causes redness in the knee, coupled with difficulties in bending your leg.
Some other water activities, for instance, tubing as well as water skiing, also are major causing of neck injuries and whiplash during summer. These injuries cause dizziness, nausea, headache, and also loss of range of motion. Neck injuries can sometimes be excruciating, and even when they are not, they can be inconvenient and burdensome. Neck and whiplash injuries are most familiar to children during summer, though adults too are also affected.
Chiropractors are often busy during summer due to the high numbers of shoulder injuries. Muscle strains, dislocation as well as misalignment of ligaments is often experienced, especially with baseball players, tennis players as well as beach volleyball players. This injury is most susceptible to many athletes as they tend to strain their shoulders a bit in preparation for big games or as a comeback after eight months off the field.
Golf, as well as tennis, are the number one causes of elbow injuries during summer. These injuries are commonly experienced by individuals who wake up one day from winter and pick up their rackets and clubs expecting to be onto the game as their previous summer. We use elbow now and then, and many people disregard elbow by assuming it doesn’t require proper training just like your knees do, which is a very wrong precedent as they do need care as well.
Shin splints are another common injury primarily to the cyclist, runners as well as dancers. It’s an injury that occurs in the lower leg just below your knee. Shin splints are occurring when exercise or exertion is ramped rapidly, like beginning to run at too hard of a pace. Muscle pains in the shins characterize it. This injury comes with shooting pains, tenderness in the injured area, swelling, and numbness of some sort in your feet.
Another common injury during summer is lower back pain or Sciatica, which occurs above the hips. This pain is as a result of injuries to your sciatic nerve or area around it that connects to your lower back, upper legs, and buttocks. Sciatic injury is well known for its shooting pain in the lower back, all through the buttocks to your legs. When injured, you sometimes experience numbness as well as weakness around your feet and legs. Sometimes needle-like sensation pain around your legs or during movement is an indication of sciatic injury.
How to Prevent and Avoid Sports Injuries During Summer:
In sports, getting injuries is not necessarily inevitable. For you to avoid bodily harm, there are steps an athlete can take to improve their bodies. Keeping your body from being injured requires sports performance care, which is essential for maintaining a range of motion. For you to improve your muscles strength and flexibility, your structural alignments, as well as a range of motion, a compilation of chiropractic care, massage therapy, and a host of corrective exercises, are lined up for the athlete. This method of care sees athletes recover faster as well as reducing the levels of pain experienced by to heal more effectively and efficiently.
To prevent such injuries like shin splints, make sure you use good shoes that come cushioned with insoles. Also, it’s crucial to avoid ramping up your intensity when working out too rapidly. Make sure you move at a pace your body can keep up with comfortably without much strain. A bit of proper professional advice is to warm up ahead of your exercise and avoid working out when you feel pain.
Other injuries like ACL have no defined method of prevention, perhaps thorough training and pivoting correctly and properly should help. Be conscious of your movements as you go on with your exercise and don’t stress it out when it comes to the knee. If you are susceptible to bursitis, which is caused by repetitive motion, experts advise you to lessen or altogether avoid the amount you make to the movement. If in your sports you are required to kneel often, it’s advisable to use a knee pad as a preventive measure. Also, exercising regularly and often is well known to strengthen your muscles surrounding your knee joints. And finally, always warm-up ahead of any exercise you are taking part
Various people are genetically predisposed to experience lower back pain or Sciatica of injury than others. There are also proven methods that can help you prevent sciatic nerve injury from occurring. One such practice is exercising regularly and often. Exercising makes your lower back muscles more robust as well as maintaining an excellent posture. The other method is usually lifting form aids in preventing back injuries.
In an event the injury has occurred, there are several home-based treatments and recovery options that, when applied, patients recover much faster. If you experience any sports injuries, or are currently suffering from one, contact OSI today. We are here to help.