Orthopedics is a specialty that focuses on disease and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. This system allows you to be active, to work and to move. Orthopedics comprises ligaments, tendons, nerves, muscles, and joints. Orthopedic health is essential to your overall well being, and Orthopedic Specialty Insitute an Orthopedic Ft Lauderdale can help with that. Damages to any of these structures and tissues can come from normal wear and tear chronic disease and injuries. Wear and tear on the musculoskeletal system can cause a number of orthopedic problems. If you are not currently experiencing orthopedic problems, it is important to know about how orthopedic health disorders can affect you and how OSI Orthopedic Ft Lauderdale can help you.
Orthopedic Diseases
Arthritis is a rheumatic disease that derived from wear and tear on the body. It affects the connective tissues and joints in the body.
Unfortunately, most of the causes of arthritis are unknown. The symptoms include pain, swelling, pain in the connective tissue and limited movement. Millions of Americans have experienced some form of arthritis. The disease can be chronic, or it can be slow-moving with little changes. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and both of them can be treated at OSI Orthopedic Ft Lauderdale.
- Osteoarthritis is a disease that commonly affects the elderly. It is degenerative, painful and it affects the joint. As you age, your joint breaks down in the knees, hands, hips, and spine.
- Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that affects the joints and the immune system. The disease can cause severe inflammation in the joints and lumps in the smaller joints. The disease can hamper movement in your extremities.
Rheumatoid arthritis is also an autoimmune disorder. It attacks healthy cells and tissues, which can get progressively worse and last a lifetime. Rheumatoid arthritis can attack the lungs and the heart as well.
Soft Tissue Injury
Soft-tissue injuries can occur from a number of sports activities. Damage to the ligaments, tendons, and muscles can cause pain, swelling and bruising. Below are examples of soft-tissue injuries:
Foot and Ankle Sprain Millions of people sprain their ankle yearly, making it a common injury. Sprains cause damage to tendons and ligaments, which can require more treatment.
Tear in the Rotator: The rotator cuff permits your shoulder to move in a circular motion. The rotator cuff can tear if it gets stressed, resulting in restricted movement and pain. The treatment needed will depend on the severity of the tear. The treatment includes rest, a brace or surgery in more severe cases.
Tear in the Meniscus: An awkward movement in the way your foot is planted can cause a tear in the meniscus, which is a cartilage in the knee that allows ease of movement in the legs. A tear in the meniscus can cause severe pain. Treatment for this type of tear is usually surgery but more mild tears of the meniscus can be corrected with physical therapy.
Tear in the ACL: An awkward, abrupt turn with the knee can tear your ACL, which is a ligament in the knee. Treatment includes physical therapy, rest and severe injuries surgery.
Carpal tunnel: This orthopedic condition occurs when the median nerve is compressed. This nerve provides the function for the sensor and motor of the three middle fingers and the thumb. If you use your arms or hands in repetitive movements, such as typing, your tendons and ligaments may become inflamed. When the median nerve is pinched, it causes pain and tingling. Treatment includes physical therapy, medication, and braces.
Tennis elbow: When the tendons in your elbows cause pain and get irritated, you have what is called tennis elbow. However, you do not have to play tennis to experience this ailment. Any weight-bearing, repetitive movement of your arms and wrist can cause this condition. Rest is the best remedy for this ailment.
Shoulder dislocation: Accidents, sport, and other injuries can cause the shoulder to dislocate. The condition is not common, however, once the shoulder is dislocated once, it can be easily dislocated. Surgery may be required in severe cases.
Tendonitis: This condition is the swelling of the tendons. It commonly affects the hips, knees, elbows, hands, shoulders, wrists, foot and ankle. Tendonitis is caused by the constant use of an area that has been injured previously. Treatment includes ice, compression, rest, and elevation.
Stress Fractures
A fracture is a tiny fissure in the bone, which can be closed or opened. With the open fracture, the bone can protrude through the skin, or the bone can be exposed through a wound. With the closed fracture, the broken bone does not exit the wound or skin.
- Wrist fracture. This condition is fairly common. Incidents such as dancing, sports and falling can result in this fracture. In some instances, a cast is required and other instances surgery is required if the bones need to be stabilized.
- Stress fractures. These fractures occur the most in the ankle and the feet. These fractures are rarely diagnosed because the level of pain is low. The cause of stress fracture is too much muscle wear and stress. Surgery is sometimes needed, but rest is the most common remedy for this injury.
Back Pain and Neck Pain
Today, back pain and neck pain are the most notable orthopedic health problems. Low back pain presents with annoying and mild persistent pain to severe pain and it affects one out of ten people. There are many causes of back pain and neck pain. Some of the causes of back and neck pain are obvious, and some are not.
- Improper exposure to constant vibration
- Strenuous and overuse activities.
- Injuries and traumas to the back
- Degeneration of the vertebrae
- Obesity
- Poor muscles tone
Neck Pain
- Muscle damage in the neck.
- Herniated disk
- Injuries to ligaments and muscles in the neck
- Congenital abnormalities
- Twisting
- Straining
The musculoskeletal system consists of every tissue, tendon, and bone in the body, and it can be a contributor to orthopedic problems. There are many ways to prevent minor injuries. The best regime to avoid injuries to the muscle, tendon, and bones is to exercise, run, stretch and walk to help your muscles, tendons, bones, and joints. If you think you have any of these injuries and need an Orthopedic Ft Lauderdale to come to visit Orthopedic Specialty Insitute. Book an appointment with us at OSI Orthopedic Ft Lauderdale and take the steps to solve your body’s problems.