Carpal Tunnel: Non-Invasive Solutions Covered by Insurance with 1 Week Recovery!

Carpal Tunnel relief used to come by way of dramatic and invasive surgery, accompanied by a lot of pain and recovery time. It was not uncommon for patients to experience tremendous pain & discomfort following an extensive repair surgery that can leave the hands with heavy scar tissue.

OSI offers the latest minimally invasive carpal tunnel repair solution and is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. With a typical downtime of only 2 days, it is not uncommon for patients to fully recover in a week! And, most procedures are covered by your insurance. Call us today at 954-866-9699 to find out more about how this simple procedure can provide you the relief from carpal tunnel that you’ve been searching for!
Schedule a Consultation Today!
carpal tunnel repair ft lauderdale
carpal tunnel repair fort lauderdale

Who is it for?

Traditionally, individuals suffering from chronic pain associated with Carpal Tunnel have relied on major hand surgery to try to get relief. These surgeries are complicated, require a lot of downtime and can be accompanied by pain and a lengthy recovery.

Our Carpal Tunnel Procedure:

  • is covered by most insurance carriers (call 954-866-9699 to find out if you are covered)
  • is Minimally Invasive
  • has a typical downtime of only 2 days!
  • allows most patients to fully recover with 1 week!
  • is performed by Board Certified Physician Dr. Gonzalez, the 2nd physician in Florida to be certified for this procedure
  • leaves almost no noticeable scar tissue

It is a great option for those patients that are looking for Carpal Tunnel relief in Fort Lauderdale, without the complications of major hand surgery.

Want to learn more?

The team at OSI can determine if this Carpal Tunnel procedure is right for you. To learn more about this revolutionary new procedure, or to determine if it’s right for you, call our office today at: 954-866-9699

Contact Us Today!

carpal tunnel fast recovery

Our Carpal Tunnel Relief Procedure:

  • A minimally-invasive solution for Carpal Tunnel
  • Greatly Reduced Downtime
  • 1 Week Recovery Time
  • Covered by Most Insurance Carriers
  • An outpatient procedure that does not require a hospital stay
Request a Consultation

Pain is a sign that something is not right and it should never be ignored; left untreated, further musculoskeletal damage may occur. Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Yoldas alongside the staff at OSI are dedicated to helping people suffering from acute or chronic pain associated with Carpal Tunnel.

If you are Interested in Learning more about our Carpal Tunnel Solutions or would like to discuss your case with Dr. Gonzalez, please contact the office at 954-866-9698

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)?

Affecting more than 12 million people, CTS can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm. It occurs when the median nerve, one of the major nerves in the hand, is compressed as it travels through the carpal tunnel in the wrist.

Traditional Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery

CTS may be treated surgically through a procedure called carpal tunnel release (CTR), which relieves pressure on the median nerve by cutting the transverse carpal ligament. Traditional CTR procedures can remedy the condition, but may result in large and sometimes painful scars, ongoing palmar pain, and a long road to recovery.

A New Way to Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for Faster Recovery

Now there’s a proven way to get rapid relief from carpal tunnel pain and return quickly to normal activities.

Micro-invasive Carpal Tunnel Release (CTR) with the SX-One MicroKnife®

The SX-One MicroKnife is a low-profile, safe, and effective instrument that allows your doctor to perform carpal tunnel release in a matter of minutes. When combined with ultrasound visualization, the procedure requires only a very small (4-5 mm) wrist incision.

Significant benefits of the SX-One MicroKnife

  • Performed in a procedure room or office setting
  • Can be performed using local anesthesia
  • Small wrist incision is typically closed without sutures
  • Reduces or eliminates the need for opioids
  • Postoperative therapy is typically not required—saving you time and money
  • Immediate motion in the hand for rapid recovery
  • Return to normal activity in a few days, not months

After the procedure, you’ll be able to resume activities as tolerated—most patients can return to work and the activities they love within 3-6 days.


  1. Nakamichi K, Tachibana S, Yamamoto S, et al. Percutaneous carpal tunnel release compared with mini-open release using ultrasonographic guidance for both techniques. J Hand Surg Am. 2010 Mar;35(3):437-445. 
  2. Rojo-Manaute JM, Capa-Grasa A, Chana-Rodriguez F, et al. Ultra-minimally invasive sonographically guided carpal tunnel release: a randomized clinical trial. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Jun;35(6):1149-1157.
  3. Henning PT, Yang L, Awan T, et al. Minimally invasive ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release: preliminary clinical results. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Nov;37(11):2699-2706.

Carpal Tunnel Repair Near MeMicro-invasive CTR under Ultrasound Guidance*

  1. A 4-5 mm micro-incision is made in the wrist.
  2. Under ultrasound guidance, the SX-One MicroKnife is inserted through the micro-incision.
  3. Stealth MicroGuards™ are deployed to enhance the protection of nearby nerves, tendons, and other sensitive anatomy during the procedure.
  4. The TCL Blade™ is advanced and cuts the TCL in the wrist to reduce pressure in the carpal tunnel.
  5. The SX-One MicroKnife is removed and the micro-incision is closed with an adhesive bandage or strip; sutures or stitches are optional.
*Micro-invasive CTR can also be performed with a traditional mini-open incision. Ask your doctor for more information.
SX-One MicroKnife is a trademark of Sonex Health, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 
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