This is a Real Pain in the Wrist.
Are you experiencing pain, stiffness, and/or weakness in your wrists? These symptoms can be caused by injury or a whole host of diseases. While wrist pain can be relatively minor and easily treated, left undiagnosed or untreated it can be painful and sometimes it may even cause permanent and debilitating damage.
While we recommend seeking an orthopedic professional such as Broward Orthopedic Specialists to diagnose and treat your wrist pain, below you will find some common causes of wrist pain that people encounter.
Did You Suffer an Injury?
An all-too-common complaint, wrist pain is often caused by sprains or fractures from sudden injuries. However, if you have not experienced any recent traumas to this area, it’s time to look deeper for a cause—and relief—of your pain.
Could it be Arthritis?
Two types of arthritis are common in the wrist. Osteoarthritis develops due to normal everyday usage and especially in people who are genetically predisposed or have a family history of arthritis. Symptoms can include pain, stiffness, and weakness. Since your wrist is very complex and made up of multiple small joints, arthritis can cause loss of cartilage causing the bones to rub against each other and could eventually cause long-term damage.
Rheumatoid arthritis, however, is a chronic auto immune disease which often starts in smaller joints such as the wrist. It is symmetrical— meaning it affects the same joints on both sides of the body. In this disease, the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues damaging cartilage and ligaments rather than protecting them.
Is it a Repetitive Motion Injury/Disorder?
Repetitive Motion Disorders or RMDs comprise carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, tendonitis, bursitis, and other diseases. They are characterized by pain that is generated by too many repetitions of a particular motion or activity.
Factory workers, hair stylists, secretaries, seamstresses, musicians, and others who perform repetitive movements with their hands and wrists can be affected by RMDs. Symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness, and swelling, loss of flexibility and strength. Long term damage may occur if left untreated.
Those who suffer or have experienced these disorders know that wrist pain can be common, annoying and sometimes debilitating. But there is no need to continue suffering. Orthopedic professionals are coming up with new treatments every day to make your wrist pain nothing but a distant memory.